January 15, 2010

Oh, The Places You'll Go...

I was driving home tonight, listening to Jeff Buckley softly croon "Hallelujah," when I looked to my left and saw what has become one of my favorite sites here in Florida.  It wasn't the Bay, the Gulf, or the beach, as one might expect, but a downward sloping plain dotted with lights and high voltage towers.  I don't know what it is about it-- maybe the little bit of wide-open yet contrastingly urban landscape-- but it's one of my favorite places.  And after just watching 500 Days of Summer, I got to thinking about my favorite places.

Up north, at the bottom of Belly Button Hill is a sprawling tree; the branches of which nearly touch the base of the hill.  It's a spot where I've had picnics with friends, read horrible Christian fiction, and stared at the clouds. 

There is a section of the creek that runs through my hometown where branches sweep low and ripples sparkle in the sun.  Nevermind that the water is a muddy brown, like the kind of drinking water they tell you exists in India.  It's perfect, all year round.  I love riding my bike there and parking it for just a few moments as I watch the dirty-brown ripples.

But I have a hard time sitting still.  More often than not, my favorite places are more like favorite glimpses-- little treasures that make me smile for no other reason than the fact that they exist:

There is a section of road that is peppered with forest preserves, and when you're passing this particular spot at just the right angle, with just the right atmosphere-- not too hazy and not too foggy-- you can spot the Sears Tower in the distance.  I always smile.

Here in Florida, when I come home from work as the sun is making its final descent, the gold makes the most beautiful display when it pours through the tennis courts, creating a foggy, misty glow.  I often hop out of my car and just stare for a moment, hoping the children on the tennis courts don't think I'm staring at them.

I have just decided to make an effort to find more favorite spots, and instead of just glancing for a moment, sit and relax in said favorite spot.  But I probably won't pick my favorite spot with the high voltage towers.

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