August 24, 2010

100 Posts Posted, 100 Lessons Learned...

This is my 100th post.  Well, technically it is not the 100th post on this site, but it is the 100th draft I've... drafted.  There are about four drafts that didn't make the cut.  Even so, I decided my 100th post should be somewhat epic in either length or substance, if not both.  And then my mind went blank.  I then left it up to my facebook friends to help me think of something worthy.  My friend Brianne (thanks, Brianne!) suggested I type up a list of 100 lessons I have learned, I guess post-college.  Epic, in my opinion, in both length and substance.  So here goes:

1.  IT (meaning life) is not about ME.
2.  Nothing can prepare you for a life of singleness.
3.  Men have fragile egos.
4.  Men and women cannot be best friends without one or both wanting more at some point. 
5.  I am not nor have ever been "big boned," despite my childhood claims to the contrary.
6.  Writing a book is not even the hard part of becoming published.
7.  Drama can be completely avoided.
8.  Smiling really does change your attitude.
9.  I have a lot more neuroses than I'd care to admit.
10.Working with youth opens you up to a whole lot of potential for hurt.
11.Friendships have no age barriers.
12.Boundaries keep the peace and sanity in life... and in countries.
13.I may get lost a lot but I always find my way eventually... literally and figuratively.
14.Given the opportunity, people can and will take advantage of you.
15.Serving is the best way to feel at home.
16.Teachers must be thick-skinned.
17.Facebook is my Achilles' heel.
18.You can teach yourself anything.
19.Being creative for creativity's sake and not for money is okay.
20.College does not prepare you for the hands-on of teaching.
21.It's okay to surprise people.
22.My time is more valuable to me than money.
23.I can't control what others will do; I can only control my reactions.
24.It's OK to pray out loud in the car, even if it makes you look like you're talking to yourself.
25.I don't need to correct others' mistakes... all the time.
26.A lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
27.If you do a good job at one thing, you'll be asked to do something else... and something else...
28.Leadership shouldn't always be sought out, it should often come naturally.
29.High school students think they're funny; middle school students don't know they're funny.
30.When you're headed in the same direction, nothing, not even spouses or miles, separates close friends.
31.He's just not that into you.
32.It doesn't matter what your GPA was in college; your students will still think you're stupid.
33.It doesn't matter how cheesy they are; a girl likes a good chick flick now and then.
34.They'll seldom admit it, but a guy likes a good chick flick now and then.
35.It doesn't matter how spotless the rest of my house is, I will always throw my clothes on my bedroom floor.
36.My Bible training at Moody is priceless.
37.Going shopping is a natural "upper" for me.  Receiving my VISA bill is a natural "downer."
38.My parents are two of the wisest, funniest, most interesting and intelligent people I know.
39.The love my family has for each other (even extended family) is rare.
40.There is no place like home, but you can have more than one home.
41.Through its people, a place will wheedle itself into your heart.
42.I am truly a half-and-half mixture of my parents' personalities.
43.I will always have a love/hate relationship with technology.
44.I am an artist trapped in a box of financial restraints.
45.Prayer changes things (me).
46.Everything, literally everything can point back to some aspect of God's character.
47.Everything is redeemable.
48.Transparency builds solidarity.
49.Hope for the best, expect the worst.
50.Children are depraved.
51.There is no limit to human depravity.
52.There is no limit to God's grace towards me.
53.I grow most through trials.
54.Irish girls can tan, but it's a painful process.
55.Teachers are actors; the classroom is their stage.
56.I have walls around my heart.
57.My confidence and intimidation factor mask my insecurity fairly well.
58.God likes to put you outside your comfort zone... as often as possible.
59.Humor diffuses most awkward situations.
60.It is entirely possible to revert back to middle school every Wednesday night.
61.A husband will never fully fulfill me/complete me/satisfy me.  That's God's job. 
62.Independence is fun.
63.Boys LOVE to talk about poo, and it will probably always be funny.
64.My age is just a number.
65.I am the butt of many a joke.  Yes, I said "I am the butt."  har-har.
66.The following things will always be hilarious: falling down, abruptness, making hideous faces, laughing at inappropriate times.
67.The Helen Keller card is a no-fail in "Apples to Apples."
68.Never bring work home with you... if you can help it.
69.Life is too short to deny yourself your favorite food.
70.Nothing lasts forever.  Except my relationship with the Lord.
71.If the book was fantastic, the movie will probably disappoint.
72.Laziness accounts for much of what's wrong in the world.
73.There are some legit psychos out there.
74.You never know how a small gesture or word will affect others, whether good or bad.
75.Most students are more respectful of male teachers.  Female teachers work twice as hard for respect.
76.Who you are at home, when you are most comfortable, is who you are.
77.It is all to easy for me to become a hermit.
78.Axe spray should have never been invented.
79.Sometimes colored bras will bleed dye onto your clothes, and it will be sucky.
80.Fiber One yogurt is a bad choice.
81.Becoming a good cook/baker just takes experimentation and courage.
82.Apathy is one of the most unattractive traits a person can possess.
83.Inspiration distracts (happily) from the daily grind.
84.Once bitten by the travel bug, you will itch your whole life.
85.Good pizza is worth the calories.
86.Never ever pay full price for anything.
87.God is my protector and provider, even when I only have $22 to my name.
88.It's OK to cry, even in front of other people.
89.Toothpaste on pimples doesn't really work.  It just smells minty.
90.I have become a realist with idealistic tendencies.
91.You can't force someone to see things the way you see them.
92.Friendships require routine maintenance.
93.If I am really looking forward to something, I will be disappointed.
94.My imagination can be my best friend or my worst enemy.
95.You don't have to experience mistakes to gain wisdom.  Sometimes wisdom is gained in avoiding mistakes.
96.Moving is THE WORST.
97.Fresh starts are THE BEST.
98.Being a bridesmaid is ridiculously expensive.
99.Don't talk to strangers.  Or smile at them.  Or even look at them.  Unless they are babies or the elderly.
100.When you ask God to change you, he absolutely will.

If you actually read all 100-- I am impressed. :)  Thanks, friends, for reading.


  1. Awesome.
    #4 so true...I married my best friend!
    #29-well put
    #61- Total AMEN to this one. The single most important lesson to learn before you get married. I thank God for teaching me this one, my marriage would be a mess had I not truly learned it. I believe this is the cause of most divorces.
    #86-My life motto, along with "just because its on sale, doesn't mean its a good deal"

    I could comment on every one, but I wont! ;) Good job, I enjoyed reading this and really enjoy your blog. This has actually inspired me to do the same. Now lets see if i ever actually finish!

  2. Really awesome one....laughed at many and agreed with all if them.
