I just had a conversation with my mom, during which I uttered the words, "I don't want to be a 60-year-old woman and not have done all the things I had hoped to do." I don't know why I chose that age, except that it seemed old to me at that moment, but I was speaking about my latest entrepreneurial idea. I've had dozens and dozens of these kinds of ideas-- things I'd love to do, but I lack the funds, the time, and the courage I suppose. I'd love to accomplish even half of these things, but as I sat and thought I realized that there are other, more important things I should be thinking about having accomplished by the time I'm a 60-year-old woman. For example: I do not want to be a 60-year-old woman who has not become a prayer warrior; a 60-year-old woman who has not discipled young women; a 60-year-old woman who has not given of her time, money, and talents to the Lord. Those are the most important things for me to accomplish in my lifetime-- the rest are just the icing on the cupcake. Mostly, as I sit here and type away, I realize that "godliness with contentment is great gain." If I can do these more important things, I think the activities and entrepreneurial ideas that escape me and never get done just won't matter much anymore. So perhaps I'll be a 60-year-old woman who has done little else than serve her church, teach her students, and give her time, money and talents to the Lord. Maybe I will have never opened my cupcakery, or have sold my fashion designs or photography, or even had anything published. If God can grant me godliness with contentment, I will have gained more than the sum of those lesser things.
{Sugar Bloom Cupcakes}
Your goals are a mirror of mine. I encourage you to keep running this race with endurance..I'm right beside you!