May 27, 2010

Rediscovering the Amanda of Yesteryear...

I have rediscovered my love of socializing, adventure, and late-night frivolities, and I have my fiftysomething (don't tell her I told you that) aunt to thank.
I am the kind of girl who easily slips into a routine, and doesn't realize how monotonous she's become or what she's missing.  I have my night in on Mondays, my Panera book discussion on Tuesdays, youth group on Wednesdays, dinner with friends on Thursdays, and laziness/shopping/errands on he weekends.  And it RARELY changes.  I get comfortable in my cozy apartment after a hard day's work, and the thought of going out or trying something new makes my aready weary limbs practically paralyzed.  So I stay in, make an omelet, and watch NCIS reruns and the occasional ten-year-old rom com on cable.  And on a really good night, I'll watch "Chuck," or "Glee."  No, don't pity me-- I like it.  And that's what scares me.

I forgot about my college days, and how I'd go out into the City with friends until the wee hours of morning, not doing traditional college-hoodlum things, ie drinking, carousing, and hooking up, but visiting new places, experiencing new things, and laughing so hard it hurt.  I forgot how much I enjoyed the thrill of late-night socializing among the hoi polloi, and the energy of getting outside my comfort zone.

Then my aunt came to visit.  She had plans.  The fact that the local line dancing bar was closed didn't stop her.  Instead, we went to a little bar with very loud live music and Salsa dancing lessons.  And the next night, we went to a pub with a thatched roof and bad food in the middle of the city.  Dressed up, uncertain, outside my comfort zone, loud noises, lots of people, late nights, crappy food... and it was all so wonderful.  In just two late nights out with friends on the town, I've rediscovered my love of.... life, I guess.  And I'm determined to add a bit more of that so-called life-spice, variety, to my weekly routine.  I need to get a bit more of my old college spirit back, as I realize I'm slowly descending into the depths of boring adulthood.  And I never thought that would happen.

So maybe I lose a few hours of sleep a week.  So maybe I embarrass myself by trying to Salsa while wearing heels that make me tower over the entire dance floor.  So maybe I try some Irish food that makes my stomach feel awkward.  I'm living life, and I'm not wasting my moments watching a ten-year-old rom com every night.  That's got to count for something.

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