"So, let me ask you a question." Dad clears his throat a little and prepares what is formed as a question but is really more of a speech.
"Is that look, you know, like Jim from 'The Office,' is that the look now?"
"What look?"
"The dress pants and shirt and tie..."
"What, like dressed up? Nice?" I didn't understand my dad's somewhat disapproving tone if we were talking shirts and ties here.
"Well, with their pants low and their shirts tucked in but kind of bloused out..." I could picture Jim Halpert quite easily, but I did not understand how his normal work attire was an issue.

"It seems just dressed up, to me. I think it looks nice."
"But it's--" Dad could see I wasn't getting it. So he modeled for us. He pulled his shorts farther down and bloused out his shirt. It did not look like Jim Halpert's work clothes. I laughed.
"It's kind of messy, in like a lazy 'I'm trying but not trying too hard' kind of way."
"Well, Jim's character is supposed to be a little lazy and messy... but not really Chuck..."
"So is that just like, the style?"
"Yeah Dad, I guess that's just the dressed up style these days for guys... But Dad, I think it might be that they're just tall guys with long torsos..."
I suppose to my dad, pants that come under the bellybutton mean sloppiness/laziness in dress. OK. I'm looking at Zachary Levi here, and sloppy/lazy does not come to mind. But whatever.
It makes me laugh when my dad analyzes fashion. It reminds me of the days when I lived at home and would watch "Project Runway." My dad rolled his eyes every time, but he stayed on the couch. Maybe it was just so he could make fun of the contestants. He liked to pick the most ridiculous line they'd say that week and repeat it in the most stupid sounding voice possible. His personal favorite? "It's art in motion," he'd repeat in a nasal, whiny voice.
I wonder what he'd say about a look I kind of like on the Jim Halpert/Chuck Bartowski types: cardigans. I'm not talking Mr. Rogers here, or George Costanza. Cardigans only work on the tall, toned, yuppie intellectual type. Sorry, if you are not the tall, toned, yuppie intellectual type and you are trying to work the cardigan. It probably isn't working for you. Not like it's working for this guy, anyway.
Sorry, I know there's not much substance to this blog. But it made me laugh, and hey, I'm single, so I'm allowed to appreciate guys in cardigans, right? Right?!
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