July 14, 2010

My Alternate Reality...

Well, I've been slacking.  I've been enjoying running from here to there while in Chicago, and frankly haven't given too much thought to my blog.  It's funny how when I am on vacation, it's like I escape to an alternate reality.  In this alternate reality, everyone wants to spend time with me.  I have no bills.  I can eat delicious food without consequences.  I have no real responsibilities.  And it doesn't matter that I'm single.  In my reality it doesn't matter that I'm single either, but it really doesn't matter in my alternate reality.  Why?  I've got family to care for me, I'm so busy I don't even think about it, and I'm not surrounded by happy couples.  So... all that to say, I haven't thought too much about my blog in the last few days.  But I've taken a lot of pictures.  I haven't had a chance to doctor these up, as I am wont to do, but they make me smile:

That's all for now.  I have some deeper thoughts brewing, but they'll have to wait, as I have an alternate reality to enjoy. :)

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